Christ has left the building (or the West)

While this title could go a number of ways, I want to navigate it toward the global shift of Christianity. So, let me say first, “The West is no longer leading the way.” This includes Europe, this includes North America, and sadly this includes you and me. At the beginning of the 20th century Europe was reporting to be 71% Christian. That number has plummeted to a whopping 21% by 2000. Africa, however, experienced quite the opposite during the same time period, going from 10% to nearly 50% of the continent’s occupants adhering to Christianity. Similar shifts are being reported in Asia and Latin America.

So, what point do I want to make? For now, I want to say, “What do our brothers and sisters in these other areas have to say?” I don’t think we have heard their voice, but we are going to and we need to. You say, “I still don’t get your point.”

I am being too vague; I admit.

The theological landscape of Christianity has been dominated by the West. Our mind has shaped it, our voice has been its proponent, and it is about to take on a new flavor. One of spice, seasoned with a different perspective and context. I don’t want to carry it to extremes such as Liberation Theology, but a theological voice is emerging from Asia, from Africa, and from Latin America. We need to hear it in the West with “ears to hear.” It needs to direct our Pentecostal-Charismatic perspective.

So, what does it sound like? Can you hear it? What does it look like? Can you hear it?

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Filed under global shift, missions, perspective, theology

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