Emulate Ellie

My 16 month old, Ellie, has been fighting that pesky cold that has been going around. In fact, we as a family shared it with one another. Blah! But she taught me something during this process. I watched her as she would lay her head on our shoulders. She wasn’t overly concerned with how she was going to get better or if this cold was moving toward an ear infection. No, she just felt bad. The worrying was left to us parents who didn’t want to see our little one feel bad any longer or even get worse.

Thinking about this as I drove to Wal-Mart late Sunday night to get her some meds, I compared Ellie to myself in relation to God. Why do I want to wear my grown-up pants and do someone else’s job (which I really can’t do). Someone how I think that my worrying will cause things to work out differently than if I didn’t worry. At least that has to be the way it appears. When all I really need to do is just lay my head on God’s shoulder, and rest and trust in Him because He really does have my best intentions in mind. Easier said than done, sure, but what other options do I have?

So, during this season of our lives let us reflect on how we can trust in Him more and emulate Ellie with total reliance on our Heavenly Father.

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