Are Choices Opportunities?

Everyday you and I face many choices. Are these same choices opportunities? I recently heard the founder of a non profit organizations describe how the people that he is reaching out to oftentimes have nothing but bad choices to choose from.

If we don’t make choices when we have the chance to make them we will be in a place where there is nothing but bad to worse as our selection. I have a close relative this is in a very sticky situation. But if he doesn’t make a choice soon he too will have nothing but bad choices to choose from.

I remember hearing “the opportunity of a lifetime must be seized during the lifetime of the opportunity.” That opportunity will not be there forever, but it too has a season. Sometimes our best choices can be prevented measures.

Today is the day. Now is the time. Choices can no longer pend. We cannot continue to put them off. Seize the opportunity of a lifetime during the lifetime of the opportunity.

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