Daily Archives: May 6, 2011

Surrounded by Opportunity

While walking through the various KCDC housing developments yesterday, I was overwhelmed with the unmined opportunities. I could have filled up a bus then and there with middle and high school age kids wanting relationship. Yes, a few of the kids were excited about the fun things I might have planned for them, but many of the olders teens expressed how they want to be challenged and grow. I saw high schoolers I hadn’t in years, some graduating this year others next.

How could I mine these communities, these teenagers lives, and make a lasting difference? I am challenged with this thought, this task. And, frankly, I can’t do it alone.

Didn’t Jesus say the harvest is plentiful? I couldn’t agree more. Pray that others will come alongside me and help in this daunting task, and look for where God is asking you to do the same.

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