Tag Archives: celebration

Graduations and Growing Up

Do you remember as a kid when someone asked you what you wanted to be when you grew up? Now, we would do most anything to not be grown up.

The answers haven’t changed all that much since you and I were kids. When I ask this question to some of the boys and girls coming to Sonday School I still hear, “Fireman, Pro-Football/Basketball player, Singer, Actor, Astronaut.”

Among our older Junior Staff we have those thinking more seriously about what they “want to be when they grow up”. We will be attending graduations this year for Fulton, Central, and Austin East High Schools. Jamarcus is graduating from Fulton, and plans to enlist in the military. Xavier has been filling out job applications, while Dennisha looks for ways to use her tremendous artistic gift.

My little girl will be 2 this August,  and nothing would please me more than if she decided she wanted to be like her Daddy when she grew up. In only a matter of words that is what one of our Junior Staff has decided. He will graduate next year, and is working toward attending a local discipleship and training program while working with KICKO.

Equipping, empowering, and giving them ownership must be intentional in our efforts, and nothing pleases us more than seeing them “get it”. During this season of graduations and growing up, I am reminded of my spiritual desire for these young men and women. Paul wrote to the Galatians, “My dear children, for whom I am again in the pains of childbirth until Christ is formed in you,” (Gal 4:19). Seeing Christ formed in each of our youth is why I do what I do.

Every 1st Friday we have The Journey where our more serious youth come to my house for discipleship. We have been discussing the spiritual disciplines, and every time I am impressed with their genuine interest and desire to know God and make Him known. What we have each learned during our Fridays together is that we get to choose who we become and if we will allow Christ to be formed in us. These teenagers have chosen to take responsibility for their lives and future by maturing in their faith.
Join me in celebrating those who are growing up and graduating both from High School and in their spiritual lives.

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