Tag Archives: community

Experiment or Commitment

Recently, I have been challenged with commitment. While lack of commitment is a huge epidemic in our society, the kids I work with see it more than most. Starting in their family unit to being misunderstood and passed off in the school system, lack of commitment runs rampant. Unfortunately, churches and organizations have approached them with the same level of faithfulness. If the ‘program’ doesn’t work bags are packed, the group never seen or heard from again, and (worse of all) those they were ‘reaching out’ to left feeling like an experiment.

Why isn’t our ‘Yes,’ yes? Instead, in the name of flexibility we have forfeited faithfulness. We see it in our most meaningful relationships, as well as in our social service. Today, my dad was telling me why he is not a big fan of ‘Events’. He said events a.) don’t change people, relationships do and b.) they only set the stage for a one hit wonder approach in service.

Think about the most meaningful people in your life. There is no one who you have only seen once on this list. Let’s decide to give ourselves to community transformation more than just one day a year, but make it a lifestyle, imitating the faithfulness God has shown us.

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