Tag Archives: fasting

It Only Happens in Prayer (and Fasting)

Destiny was found, some might even say—launched. Paradigms shifted. Perspectives changed. Mountains moved. Faith found.

I am reminded of St. Augustine’s words (354-430), “Pray as though everything depended on God and act as if everything depended on you.” Jesus told His disciples that some only come out by prayer and fasting (Mark 9:29; speaking of casting out demons). There’s an alignment that occurs in prayer (and magnified by fasting). Our will begins to align with God’s, and this is the most elementary form of heaven coming to earth, of His Kingdom coming, His will being done. God delights in using us, His earthen vessels. He actually gets satisfaction from empowering His creation. Through genuine prayer (and there are a lot of forms of prayer that are anything but) faith is infused and boldness obtained.

Many times over I have tried to manipulate a situation, change an outcome, even change myself, but to no avail because I was relying upon my own strength and abilities. Prayer, however, utters our dependence upon God, and allows our trust in Him to take us further faster.


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Filed under change, perspective, spiritual formation, spiritual growth, spirituality, theology