Tag Archives: inheritance

God’s Estate Sale

Have you ever inherited something from someone still alive? Maybe an heirloom with intrinsic value. The trophy engagement ring. Granddad’s war paraphernalia. If you received these items before they passed, I hate to break it to you, but that really isn’t an inheritance. A gift maybe, but not an inheritance. To be a true inheritance, you see, requires that you received this upon their death. Death is necessary for inheritance. Inheritance implies death.

Can you see where I am heading? Christ, the only Son, was sole heir of God’s inheritance. But, God has allowed us to share in His (the Son’s) inheritance.

The concept of inheritance has deep roots running throughout the Old Covenant. God called Israel His inheritance on numerous occasions. It only makes sense for this theme to have carried over. Once again, the inheritance is bigger and better under the New Covenant, and the inheritance is rightfully Jesus’. He is the Son and sole heir to all the promises. But, we are able to share in these promises as joint-heirs with Christ (Rom 8:17). What was promised to the Jew has been widely offered. Anyone can join with Christ, and experience this inheritance now, in this life. The idea of inheritance is ultimately fulfilled in the future, but we would shortchange ourselves if restricted completely from the present.

[Indulge a bunny trail. The Spirit of God within us is closely tied to our understanding of the inheritance we have in Christ. Paul describes the Spirit as a down payment of what’s to come, as “a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance until the redemption of those who are God’s possession (Eph 1:14).” The Spirit points to the fact that we too are sons, God’s children. “The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God’s children. Now if we are children, then we are heirs–heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ (Rom 8:16-17a)”.]

Now, death was still necessary to make this a legitimate inheritance. Christ had to die so that we could share in the promises of God. Paul says we are qualified “to share in the inheritance of the saints”. There is no distinction in Jew, Gentile, or even Christ when it comes to sharing in the inheritance of God. The cross has qualified us all.

What is this inheritance?

It is Christ, and in Christ.

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