Tag Archives: measure

Measure in Love

Did you watch the movie ‘Rent’? Even if you didn’t, you might have heard its most popular soundtrack song: Seasons of Love. Here is a snippet from that song:

Five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes
Five hundred twenty-five thousand journeys to plan
Five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes
How do you measure the life of a woman or a man?

Simply put, the song is asking us how we measure life. It is more than minutes, moments so dear. It is more than sunsets, midnights, even cups of coffee. Then the song suggests measuring life by its love. What if we all measured in love? How would our life measure up? Let’s not measure it by influence, fortune, or fame, but measure life by love.

Using love as a measuring stick reminds me of the Apostle Paul’s epic love chapter in I Corinthians 13. Paul pines the essence of the Christian life down to the same measure: love. I could have exhibited great spiritual gifts, confounded crowds, even sold all I posses and given to the poor, but if I lack love the Scripture says, “I am nothing.”

The measure is all or nothing. We either measure up to a life birthed from love or we don’t. To Paul there is no middle of the road: love or no love. How do we measure? That is the question.

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