Tag Archives: muti-faceted

Many Hats, Muti-Faceted

Hard to believe it has only been a few weeks working full-time with KICKO (www.kicko.org) again, and if you have every worked for a non-profit or a start-up of any type then you realize the many hats and responsibilities you bear. You do it all from start to finish, from cleanup to pickup. But these are the joys of paving the way, being the tool to carve carefully what others will enjoy.

Our God has so many traits; He wears so many hats; He is muti-faceted. He is my Father, Savior, Lord, Best Friend, and yet He is Loving, Just, Holy, Compassionate, Jealous, the list goes on.

Take some time with me and reflect on His involvement in your life and communicate your gratitude and heart to Him.

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