Tag Archives: perspective

Restore to me the Joy . . .

Have you noticed how easy it is to lose your joy? Or maybe it is just me. Circumstances creep in and take your attention off the broader scope, and next thing you know joy eludes you. Just how important is this joy? Nehemiah told the people rebuilding that “The joy of the Lord is your strength (Neh 8:10).”

The joy of our salvation reminds us of the greatness and goodness of God. That joy takes us back to the infant stages of our life in Christ, and attached to that joy is peace unspeakable and full of glory.

Remember what joy did for Jesus? Hebrews 12:2 says, “who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame”. That joy was the reconciliation of mankind. He endured the cross to have fellowship restored between Creator and creation. The joy of realizing that gives me strength.

Let’s not lose the joy of our salvation, but embrace where the broader scope of joy will carry us, albeit a cross or crucible, determine that circumstances will not steal your joy!

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Familiarity Breeds _______

You know the phrase ‘Familiarity Breeds Contempt’. But does it have to? I think of how my wife gets the short end of the stick far too many times. When I am tired, frustrated, or insecure about something not even remotely related to her I tend to dish my terseness in her direction. With great ease I give to those I love the sentiments I don’t want to deal with or vent anywhere else.

Now think about how telling a story over and over tends to lose its value. Value isn’t the best word here, but you have recognized that the level of connection you once had to the words you have repeated so many times has begun to wane. The story begins to take on the persona of the recorder and your answers are the same regardless of level of relationship, time of day, or even changes within yourself.

I have seen this lately. People ask how my mom is, has anything changed, etc. I have two options. I could tell them to stop asking because nothing of ‘major’ significance has changed or I could give them the recorded answer. I would rather do the first than the latter only because I hate shallowness and in something this important can’t afford myself to feel disconnected.

So, what has God reminded me to do? He reminded of the importance to come before Him daily, to connect with Him, to renew my faith and belief for the outcome that I both want to see and believe is His will. If I don’t, then my tendency will be to have only a recording to give to others rather than a fresh perspective and honest growth through this process.

Join me! Join me in connecting with God, obtaining a perspective that maintains its honesty within ourselves, and keeps sharing (but from now on in a way that is connected with what we are saying).

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Filed under change, communication, spiritual growth, spirituality